
ከኤፕሪል 5, 2023 ልጥፎች በማሳየት ላይ

Sergute Selassie Talent Biographies.

                                                      Mein Talent Biographies.       Sergute Selassie Talent Biographies.     The honorary heavenly grace, In the first instance I want to thank you very much for your willingness to look at the multi-purpose information that I am going to provide, and not only this but because you have willingly allowed me to receive my application in an urgent manner, thus it is not I myself who thank you but it is the wisdom king God almighty that give you the grace of wisdom. When I was filling my application form, I gave a brief and even unclear answers for the basic questions that I have been asked.   The reason was even to pass the first turn clearance I have been imprisoned by the language to give a detailed narrative. I should have gone with the time. Accordingly I will provide in the following manner in detail the two basic things and my future hope. I give my thanks beforehand for the time you scarify for my information.     1.