Who is Fano? Inside Ethiopia’s Amhara rebellion "‘I have been in the jungle, struggling for my people.’ By This is a headshot of Simon Vera, he looks at the camera and smiles slightly without showing teeth." Simon Vera


Who is Fano? Inside Ethiopia’s Amhara rebellion
"‘I have been in the jungle, struggling for my people.’ By This is a headshot of Simon Vera, he looks at the camera and smiles slightly without showing teeth."
Simon Vera
"Independent journalist and photographer in East Africa, looking for the human story in news
BAHIR DAR, Amhara"
For the past 20 months, Ethiopia’s Amhara region has been torn apart by a bloody conflict between federal forces and a coalition of militia known as Fano, who demand full Amhara control of all territory they regard as part of their homeland.
It’s a war in which the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) has been accused of extreme human rights abuses, and indiscriminate drone strikes by the military have killed hundreds of civilians.
The conflict is largely waged in the rural highlands, but Fano has also managed to penetrate urban areas – raids that have triggered a violent response by the security forces.
A woman who runs a small coffee stand in the regional capital, Bahir Dar – who asked not to be named for her personal safety – said her brother, a tuk-tuk taxi driver, was one such casualty. He had been on the streets when Fano launched a night-time attack on 26 August.
“The police detained him as a suspect,” she told The New Humanitarian. “They wouldn't let me see him. The next morning, friends found his body on the street. He had been shot in the head and hip and was covered in bruises.”


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