Mein Talent Biographies.


Feb, 2012
Mein Talent Biographies. 

The honorary heavenly grace, in the first instance I want to thank you very much for your willingness to look at the multi-purpose information that I am going to provide.
Accordingly, I will provide in the following manner in detail the two basic things and my future hope. I give my thanks beforehand for the time you scarify for my information.
1. How did you enter in wisdom? To develop your wisdom what conditions assisted you? For this Questions;
1.1. I am provided and created with this wisdom by my God Jesus Christ. I obtained this gift of wisdom early in the morning by my deceased father who was a teacher and professional Librarian Mr. W/Tencay, after his death my elder sister Mrs. Kasanesh W/Tencay who is a senior high school teacher has supported and protected my wisdom. She was taking every precaution for my gift.
1.1.1. My father has found this wisdom in side me, by bringing me books to read when I was 7 years old. After I read the Books, he was making me to narrate in brief the Story. He was also making me read short Stories and evaluate my readings. In addition, before 45 years in Ethiopia in order to develop my intelligence may father make me drink Fish - oil. When I was student there was no book that I didn’t read whether it is a novel or a translation, and also when I read, I was registering the beautiful words and nice sentences in big registration book because I was fond of them. When I read I didn’t want to eat.
When I was a 10th grade student I was even started to translate in Amharic encyclopedia. But however, the condition that my biological father and mother did not live together has hindered my hopes.
1.1.2. The conditions that developed inside me the wisdom that I have are numerous – inside the country When I was Student, I was an active participant during debating period in Amharic. The essay home work that I was given during school vacation and the effort that I was trying to beautify it … and the high grades that my teachers gave me for the preparation. The courses that I have taken before I entered employment… from the courses 40
hours of speech, and 20 period of other courses, and the political science education that I have continuously followed… After I started work it was in organizing the public, I rapidly transferred from Awraja women organizing to provincial labor and farmers organizing and then to provincial public organization and professional head, as thus I have been rapidly gained a lot of chances to see the internal heart of the public. In preparation of the introduction and conclusion of speech for public meetings. Coordinating teaching aid materials for public workshops. In editing and correcting the opening report made by the public organization leaders. By working with associations in evaluating weakness and strengthens of research works of public organizations. Edit the music, Theater, literature, which are prepared for public, and editing the stage activities by being a chairman of committees. Preparing brief and clear leaflets on current affairs. Preparing the main legislations and memorandum of association and article of association. when the socialist system in Ethiopia fail and another tribal system of government has been imposed, during the transitional period I refused to be governed by this type of system and I went in to the wilderness, accordingly in new type of grate educational institution has been opened for me. This was living with the rural people and by breathing the clean air of the rural area and living the life of people, makes my urban rearing adequate. Due logistics, sex problem my biological mother Mrs. Kebebush Lisanework has asked the government for amnesty and I come back from the wilderness and when I was imprisoned for 4 months, during that time wisdom inside me has greatly blossomed and developed… I concretely have seen during this period that a human kind went out of the freedom that God has granted him and his freedom fall in the hands of human beings… this has opened a new chapter of wisdom inside me. After I was released within a short period of time due to my acceptance, love, sincerity, clearness by the people when I was in power, I took a literature course for 7 moths which has been given by the Addis Ababa Cultural and Sport commission; every condition became suitable for me in order to meet with great Artists. For example, African, the Ethiopian great artists were coming to teach us. Accordingly, by looking at them the wisdom and art that is inside me have been alighted and blossomed.
1.1.3. Conditions that assisted me to develop my wisdom- in refugee
Here, I want to jump my experience of three years how I have been very much suffered. I know that God gave me a beauty that is admirable, but those times were a period in which I have lost my internal dignity… let me pass it. Due to a reason that everybody has got his conscious secretes. I respectfully ask you to receive my decision in these environs and I shall describe my wisdom life experience of refugee in Switzerland from 2009 until now. The refugee life in Switzerland cannot be expressed in a difficult term. But however, for an Artist it is another University. Because artistic ability can be gathered from the backyard of the community… even though it makes life very sour it makes the spirit very tasty. Hard ship cannot be searched and found, but if it comes willingly, it shall teach seriously the word enough… The concentration camp that I had been living for 7 years didn’t have a cable, thus I didn’t see TV for about 7 years… I have been outside of the global world. However, during that time by standing firm on feet, what did I do? ... The following is just a narrative. In addition to this I am also a female person. I have studied the bible for 3 years. The bible is a heavenly University. It is a Gold that hasn’t any devaluation. From the verses of the Bible, I have written 200 poems. When I got the opportunity, I was offering my poems to the church. It was not
only poems that I have written, but also, I have written many literatures. All of them were religious. The administrator of the camp looking at my effort has requested many newspapers editors to provide for the art lovers the literatures in which I was writing in Amharic to translated in to German language and be offered for the public. However, he has applied for a refugee voice magazine which is printed employment program, and I started working with them before learning the language with the ZAU magazine… in ZAU poems had started to be issued in Germen language was with my poem. The public were very fond of my literatures. For sure the German language is a philosophical and research, a civilized developed and deep language…When my Amharic capability is seen, my literature in German language has a deference of sky and earth. My Amharic literatures have never been edited. But the German ones have all been edited… After 3 years that I entered Switzerland in 2012 I was living in Zurich province a town known as smaller Andelfingun, from the time that I started work my initial salary was 400.00 Swiss francs, and I started to work diligently in the Amharic Radio program in Kanal K (Argaw.) I have started children’s program for the first time in the world for Ethiopian children who are scattered refuges… But it was to no avail, I have been banned because at that time I have no Living Permeation I worked it for free. The province was not where I lived. I did not have a residence permit. I was living on a temporary permit. So, I was forced to quit my job. But it a project in which I started before 2 years. It shall continue… Belate Laureate Tsegaye G/Medhin was an absolute lyric… critic, pan Africanist, writer and author of theatrical arts, translator. In order to exert my hunger for his literature… in order to start homepage in his stead when I was completed all the process, I have been stopped in my preparation to start again was started in July… Yes, 5 years plan which has been completed kin one year… a short medium- and long-term action plan…, an internet led by a board which has action regulations and law has been started in July 18/2008…. again, I organized for the first time in the world a directive for children and parents… I made it public in text audio. It was really a very rejoicing moment. ….. The remarks that have been given internationally during that time, and also the concept of the internet principle, I have provided within 15 days after the internet has started its work
openly for the Swiss books organization which is an organization without frontiers. And accordingly, my application has been given acknowledgement and has been translated in French and has been distributed in integration book stores in 40 organizations in Switzerland, and I have attached the e-mail sent. And this not enough…. There are also others…. please look at the following; When I was banned from radio Kanal K staged in the name of Belate Tsegaye, I have applied again for radio Lora which hosts 300 programs in 17 languages, the commission has asked me to provide my radio program consent, and thus with pleasure they have allowed me to present my program two times in a month Thursday from 15.00 hours until 16.00 hours I am working on it until now. Almost 15 Years old. The radio program has given me a certificate, and the Ethiopians who were living there for 40 years hasn’t done anything, but I a refugee poor women has been accused by the statement that her radio program is related with homepage and the program that she transfer is religious. The Radio Lora team after listening I the air my program in the internet and after listening the voice of Tsagaye the central Michigan University Dr. Solomon A. Getahun has send to Radio Lora letters in appreciation and accordingly. This will help you to observe how far is the struggle is deep and wide. But however, it is impossible to limit my love for literature. In the employment program in the public library which hosts 2000 guests a day I have got the opportunity to train in children and youths’ guidance with kindness and respect, a new chapter has been opened for me. In all my life I have never met such a work place which is peace full and happy one. After 2years and 4 months of working in the library, due to health problems I have terminated the work. It is a wonder that when I was organizing my homepage, I didn’t have email. Until April,11/2010 I didn’t have any computer. And the computer which was bought this year is in a yearly installment. Even though I stopped my work, the organization has prepared for me to work in its e-mail. The writings, posters, leaflets, and the technical advice that I duplicate are with me now. It was my mother’s home (KIBIZ) in which I go when I feel sorrow or happiness. …. In 2009 in March when the holiday of Romero day was attended, (media can work media) with this leading central poster the Switzerland Germen language work shop, the press radio and TV main editors. …. From the Integration media programs in Switzerland, it was Ethiopia that has been selected for sample. In this workshop radio Kanal K, “Hope voice”, Radio Lora “Tsegaye Voice” and also Tsegaye Homepage, I have been allocated an advisor and I provided a description of them by assisting with a slide. And also, I have done the same about my programs process with speech. On this day the “Blick Newspaper” Chief Editor has a program with me. And also, others. This was my honorary throne. All my expenses were covered by the organization. A journalist who was there on that particular day has asked me, “your salary is 400.00 CH you are not a bird, or a horse which grazes grass, how do you survive with this salary?” The opinion of the Audiences was also very deep.
2. In what stage were you openly showed the result of your arts?
2.1. Previously when I was at work the Newspaper that I was sending my poems and literatures was known as Serto Ader. It was like the Russians’ iskra. It was my party’s voice in Serto - Ader newspaper not only poems but my literatures were also printed.
2.2. when I was in Addis Ababa (my pen name was Sergute Erkehun)
2.2.1. Brief opinions on weekly government newspaper called Yezareyitu.
2.2.2. In the Legadadi Radio Station I was presenting Saturday recreational programs (Jointly with Mr. Mestica), at that time I was a young person, and thus, I was writing essays on real love and around social life.
2.2.3. A love letter on “incoy magazine” …. I even have competed a won and got a small Birr bonus.
2.2.4. The private Aemero newspaper that I eagerly wait for it every Saturdays…. about absolute beauty of women and the Lendan astrology written by Abraham Gusguaze, and I was offering a critical writing on it.
2.2.5. On the free phrase which has been started and banned like “Muday and Africa Kende Magazines,” I was presenting different literatures which deals with the necessity of truth and peaceful arbitration.
2.2.6. In the national census that the government has prepared, in the literature competition that was held concerning the census, I stood 3rd and I got 300.00 Birr.
2.2.7. For the first time that I presented an essay in the national theater where there are many audiences, on the occasion of the first-year remembrance of the late Artist Wegayehu Negatu, which was entitled as who is he? I have won this competition. It was the first time that teenagers have waited me at the door and took my signatures. It is available on my Meklit book from page 111 up to 114. I was my sister teacher Mrs. Kasanesh W/Tencay
who has sold it. As I was living with her, she spends the whole night with me when I was writing the book. She was the source of my energy. It was beneficial to me that she was a teacher.
2.2.8. In the literature competition that was held by the Addis Ababa Sport and culture commission, my senior paper which was named as who are you? Has won this competition. In our graduation Ceremony I have been asked to present it orally, but at that date I was sick and couldn’t present it. My teachers, Mr. Abebe Kery and Mr. Dereje and also my friend’s students were sad.
Afterwards, I have started writing energetically, and I have able to offer to books called Meklit and Tesfa for the Ethiopian audiences. At that time, I was concentrating on truth, on street boys, and these topics have been given to me by my sister. After I went abroad
2.2.9. In churches in Geneva Trinity church and Zurich Saint Marry church- poems and essays.
2.2.10. In radio Kanal K, and radio Lora from 2004 until 2012 ….. And now…..
2.2.11. In ZAU
2.2.12. In privates Internet,
2.2.13. When Kinijit was established in Geneva University in April 29/2006, even though the DVD is not given to me by the organizers, when individuals came from Landon and were teaching, I got out from the concentration camp that I was in and it was for the first time that on this public stage. I gave political narratives and taught… The public didn’t stand for the previous high intelligentsia, but it was for me a poor personality. I made the audiences to sit-down. The titles that I had during that time were what is an organization? How did an organization created? the organization development internationally from the creation of Adam and Eve, until Noah, and the role of an organization in a free struggle, these were my topics and I didn’t hold a single paper on my hand. For the explanations that I gave exiting from a Mouthful cemetery, I got a real acceptance from the public. Also, I have presented a poem called Kanayelesh which is around a reality. My signature has been asked for the second time.
2.2.14. In addition, in 2006 for 6 months that is from November until May I was serving in a resurrection radio program that reaches Ethiopia freely, many people were expressing
their gratitude.
Miss. Birtukan Mideksa who was the chairman of Unity party, when she was touring Europe in order to promote the aim of her party… She has been also in Switzerland the meeting was held at the end of November 2008 in Geneva. Previously a program was arranged for me to make the opening speech, and in this opening speech I have also offered poems.
2.2.15. In the all-Europe meeting that was held as a sample in Frankfurt, I was the chairperson of the meeting. I have also provided two poems. A well-known politician as that time has written by stating the day wonderful chairman. If necessary, the remark can be obtained from the archives. The sample meeting was more resultant than it has been expected; the following meetings of the organization and international meetings became fully resultant. The organizations have produced a great many supporters. When I write in my opinion the grace that has been given to me is to read and write. The training that I gained more than it, and in which I obtained great achievement is my arts in speech, accordingly by speech is brief, clear, wonderful and has the capability to control the consciousness of the audiences. Speech is an art. Art is grace. And when the grace is supported by training…. it blossoms more…. Nice speech is more than an army…… even though I am small creation, my capability of my speech is a mighty one. And this is proved the great speech the Germen Hitler, the Italian Mussolini, The American Martin Luther, The Indian Mahatma Gandhi … The American Abraham Lincoln were moving their people through these speeches. Sure, when I say this, it doesn’t mean that I am competing with them…. I am nobody in front of them. But Speech is also one sector of Arts. It is also a grace. Like music… like film it is also able to move the public.
2.2.16. In another moment …. The remark and poems that I have provided in meeting in Frankfurt.
2.2.17. I have not also attached with a photograph the opinions and poems that I have provided in a meeting of all Europe Ethiopians meeting in Denmark, Copenhagen from December 18 until 22/2009.
2.2.18. When the Winterthur City public library was celebrating its 10th year on October 29/2011, I have presented Amharic poems for those who do not know the language., in addition I have presented for the first time for eight days in an exhibition the graphic poem works which I send you as a sample. If my dream comes true, from my hope country which is like my father and mother…. If conditions are suitable, I will present the similar poems and drawings in an exhibition.
2.2.19. In 2010 when I got computer, I collected my writings, and be aware that in one time I have collected 613 poems in 3 books and published it here in Zurich. The works are new. It is not only that they have been done in graphics, but their position is unique …. I place them wherever my sprit leads me…. at the beginning, in middle at the corner or at the side …… enough…. even the introduction and the preface of my books are done with a design. Why? And when I write I am writing at the same moment with a similar sprit. Currently, the hereditary Ethiopian children word game “I have done it by giving it a special virtue by giving a name Enkah Selantia”. In the near future in January 18/2012 a children first poem book which is named as an alphabet which has been done in 6 hours has been edited and it will be printed in near future.
3. Books which shall be published in continually
1. A book which offers advise have parents should raise their children- Yetesfa Ber (Hope door)
2. Most of the time the instrument for the spiritual bending and of going out in the street for children is the divorce of parents, so how should parents weld their marriage? in the topic of Regeb Ber (pigeon door).
3. The second book of children poem – Enat (mother)
4. A novel based on true Story called Fetut (release him)
5. Smaller novel which narrates the refugee life called Mieraf (chapter)
6. A Novel which I didn’t give it a name which relates the story of my birth place and the life of my childhood…. But I don’t know what will be the closure of the story.
7. Fourth poem book for elders called Fuah.
• Except the children novel book which I didn’t give mane, the 6 books have been prepared with their script handmade. Even though it is uncommon, my religious poems are waiting their term.
8. When I was working in ZAU I have collected my writings and poems in German and I have saved them in my computer. I gave it a name which is Hiwot Berabero (life of butterfly), but as its thickness is small, and if I will get an editor for the 20 unedited poems, I shall distribute it for each house hold and from the income that is derived from it I shall offer the money to
UNICEF if I got sponsorship. By the way with my small income, I am a Swiss UNICEF, member.
For example, if it is sold for 5,000,000 residents that mean 5,000,000 Euro or Franc can be earned. Also I am the member of Swiss Rot Krus.
9. The Ponts (it is poems und Dichtkunst text)
On the other hand, if I want to write, I can write at any day and time new books…. It is like waterfall. It is not boasting, but it is a matter of witnessing God’s miracles, there are many untouched virgin lands like my life in the wilderness, my life in prison, my life in suffering…...
- If I have the opportunity …. what am I going to do? Remaining the same the ones which I have mentioned earlier…. if I am going to publish all books that I have written …. What will be their more number or above, and my voice is also very beautiful. It is also very attractive! because of economical and logistics problems the books which are not published and saved in computer are numerous if I get a publisher, distributer I can publish many books. In addition, I shall begin to write those that are not written on computer, and I shall continue without any limit with full light and hope …... After I went in refugee a minimum of 40 cloth relatives on the side of my mother and father have died, and I will have invited the few that survive.
I write about true love. However, I have not found the true love. I write about the young. Yet I had assumed a great public responsibility at my early age. I do not know Sunday and holidays. I am sleeping in my office on mattress filled with air it was at that time I lost my youth hood. My heart had no place for love, because of this I did not know pregnancy means. I also do not know birth means. I do not know a child abortion. Indeed, I have given assistance to women who had given birth at the camp who do not have any one to assist them. I have also raised children.
Some times when I think of it is a good thing that I have not given birth to a child. Recently I have begun thinking of the following. Is I had a child I could not have committed all that I have committed. Now however my children are my internal wealth.
Let me tell you the truth my Grace which cannot be written and told has not found assistance…. It has no owner. Indeed, my Swiss friends even though they are not persons of art, have not deprived me of their love. I thank them.
The audiences love me. Those who are jealous and who weeks fight me in air. The books I have published are placed on the shelf. I however will not stop now I have published 7 books the 8th book will continue. My grace which loosens this chain is my artistic son which liberates my grace from the imprisonment.
4. Death days which are quarantined in my brain and I myself. unforgettable
4.1. In the last war between the Dergue system and the Tigray freedom Organization, when the Gondar town is nearly to be under the control of the Tigray freedom fighters….. I went to sleep inside the car that I was in. when I was awake the Dergue, command post has been transferred to another place called Armachoh and on my co-workers went there. Then I went alone through Kuskuam when the Dergue Army were fighting from the sky and the Tigray freedom movement from the land people were falling like leaves on the earth…. it was through this atmosphere that I entered the wilderness. After this I was in the wilderness for about 4 continuous days alone. In my hand there was only sugar. At that time I have
seen a dog with a human head, this has been for me a very sad experience, and my bile came up.
4.2. when I was in the wilderness, I was travelling at night and it has rained and when I cross a river called Megech the river had been full and it took me away, it was a plant which grows in Chefeka river that saved my life.
4.3. After 8 months in the wilderness, the hope that was inside me to continue the struggle had succumbed and my biological mother Mrs. Kebebush Lisanework had asked the government
for mercy. Then when I return back, I had to travel a lot of distances, thus one day I was a guest in a house and the women of the house went to a burial ceremony and went closing the door. There were cattle remains burning in the house and as the house didn’t have a window and because of the smoke I went out of breath, thus after 5 hours of suffocation I found a blade and I made a hole inside the wall and I was saved accordingly.
4.4. When I entered Switzerland, I was transferred from the first handover station Bal - rove to and from Ältstaden to Zurich and then I have lived for 8 months with not less than 50 refugees in a refugee camp known as Thalwil. In the camp an Albanian woman dresser was giving first aid. I was very sick and when ask them to take me to a professional, she couldn’t allow it and then the medicine that she gave me has created poison inside me and for seven continues hours on September 11/2001 I was vomiting and they took me to 2 Hospitals for emergency medication. But I was unconscious for 2 days.
4.5. On 2011 in May 16 when I was on the verge of making an operation for appendix, when they took me to the operation theater my eyes were rolling to find anybody whom I know…. my healing hope was very narrow…. that was bile to me…. thus, by passing through all these I came to forward un application to enter stage of arts internationally…. Tanks God!!
Conclusion…... In my childhood I stood the impact that have a great part on my hope due to the fact of the separation of my biological father and mother, and in the turmoil of the political world, by problems of sex and health, and by winning individuals who are enemies of arts and the multi- purpose problems that I encounter, and winning multi- purpose problems which are not able to be measured and weighted in my refugee days, here I am by being victories on the family remembrance and loneliness and I stood here strongly to your respected voices…. probably if I am lucky enough, I may meet with you very much respected and loved internationally acclaimed arts figures……The key for opening the hunger that is inside me lies with you…... please help the artistic ability that is within me before it is buried alive.
The international Artistic polar…. , light of the sun….. , a special jewel of arts… , long live forever, I thank you with my whole heart.
Our Live is our camps and our compass.
Time makes History.
God bless you and our World
Sergute Selassie


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