#ይቅናህ! #ይቅናህ! #ይቅናህ! #ኑርልን #ዋርካ አባቱ


 May be an image of map, blueprint and text that says 'ሑ መመጫጣጫምሞ ยน 미, ረ ጠጡጢጣጤጥጠ ጽጵጲጵጵዽ ጸቶጲጻጹጽጸ 0099809 addition the basic signs, there are four series of derived signs represent labialized velar consonants. These velar sounds like /k/, ٩/۰/ and /h/ that are pronounced with the lips rounded regardiess of the vowel. The modern language of Amharic adapted the Classic Ethiopic script for its written form, but a few letters been derived from existing letters denote sounds not found n Ge'ez ሽሹጂሻኤችሾ ሸሹቪሻቬሸሾ 年准纸的活茶祥 "ንኙዲኛኜችኞ ኽኹኺኻኜኽሽ ጽዝዢርዥዤዥዝ ,菜草莓克原賞 ጨጨጨጫጩቄሪ'May be an image of ‎blueprint and ‎text that says '‎አቡፒዳ ቡ z A n 7 ዲ 4 7 ዱ 4 ዋ 만 나 巴 Η 币 ਮ 0 ሔ H H 史 R 中 Η & ሑ 中 w יד 舌 5 ኬ ክ ጩ ל W 卡 ኬ ๙ E 무 ሞ ב חח בג ኸ + ሌ 干 የ ም ኚ ח ኺ 見 ላ منا 干 ኑ 3 חל ጲ ኹ h τ ማ አ ع 見 ሉ ሶ ሚ ጄ 5 h 四 ក ኒ ኤ ส n F 0 ኑ A ኣ ٤ nb T ማ ሼ 円 7 ሆ ย‎'‎‎
በባዕትህ #ብትገፋም አቅም እና ብቃትህ በዝልቅ ልዕልና በዓለም ተናኝቷል
ዛሬን በማግስት ያስጌጣል - ያስውባል- ያብባል።
የጥንት #የጥዋቱ!
ጊዜ ራዲዮሎጂ ነው።


ከዚህ ጦማር ታዋቂ ልጥፎች

ዛሬ ያለው ነገር „ፈረቃም፤ ተረኝነትም“ አይደለም።

እህት አጊቱ ጉደታ አገር ነበረች።

የእኔ እማ ልዕልቴ እንዴት ነሽ?