Feedback Sendung und Website „Tsegaye" Von Solomon A. Getahun, PhD Central Michigan University Dear Radio LoRa Team


Feedback Sendung und Website „Tsegaye"
Von Solomon A. Getahun, PhD Central Michigan University
Dear Radio LoRa Team From what I read and listened on the website; it is not religious. However, the web designer and host are apparently masters of the Amharic language. They are also very well versed in Geez, the ancient language of Ethiopia, which the Ethiopian Orthodox clergy solely uses as liturgical language. 

Therefore, the webhost uses of archaic Amharic interlaced with Geez seem to give the website a religious appearance (no one uses old Amharic and Geez words in day-to-day communication) but not in reality— as one can see from the content of its program and context of its presentation.
There is nothing sexist about the site. Nor does it represent a certain ethno-linguistic group. Yet, the webpage is designed with green, blue and red colors, the try-colors of Ethiopia, which, once again, seems to give the impression of nationalistic and for some, ultra-nationalistic appearance. In Ethiopia, there had been a constant struggle and rivalry, to put it mildly, between the center and periphery, especially in the past three or so decades.
In its bylaws, under objective (see page 1:
http ://ethio. info/tsegaye/Part1
LaureateTsegayeWebsiteBigarLfinal. pdf), the website's reference to the current Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Meles Zenawe, as "Herod" (the Roman king who massacred hundreds) depict the website as anti-government. Some of its poems and writings also openly criticize and condemn the Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Democratic Front (E.P.R.D.F) government.
Thus, except for the open opposition against Prime Minister Melese's regime, there is nothing ethnic about the website. It is dedicated to one of the most noted personalities of 20th century Ethiopia, Poet Laureate Tseagye G/Medhin. Tsegaye was known for his human rights activism. He was of mixed ethnic origin.
There is no clear indication to which opposition forces the website is aligned, or whose political aspirations it espoused. However, the site can mean many things to many people. It depends how you view their posting. If you are a Muslim fundamentalist, you will find the site offensive: some of the audio presentations contain Biblical quotations used to elucidate certain points.
If you are aligned with one of the many liberation fronts such as the Oromo Liberation Front (O.L.F), then the website is pronaftegna, colonizer.
It stands for one Ethiopia. If you are pro-government, the site stands for chauvinists and the Qinjit party, Coalition of Democratic Forces (CDF). It openly calls for the release of Birtukan Medekessa, the jailed leader of the now defunct CDF. I hope this helps.
Best regards,
Solomon A. Getahun, PhD
Central Michigan University
February 2008
ራዲዮ ፀጋዬን ለማዘጋት 2008 EC. ተከሰስኩ። ዬተከሰስኩበት በኦሮሞ አክራሪነት እና በኦርቶዶክ ተዋህዶ አካሪነት ነበር። ዬራዲዮ ሎራ አድምንስትሬሽን ለተከበሩ ዶር ሰለሞን ኤ ጌታሁን አሜሪካን አገር እኔ ሳላውቀው ክሴን ላከው። ክሱ ትክክል ነው ወይንስ አይደለም ብሎ።
ያን ጊዜ ዬፀጋዬ ራዲዮ ብቻ ሳይሆን ድህረ ገጽም ስለነበረኝ እሱም እንዲመረመር ተደረገ። በጎን ኮሚሽኑ ዬራዲዮ ፕሮግራሜን ይዘት ጭብጥ በፁሁፍ እንዳቀርብ ጠዬቀኝ። ያን ጊዜ መኖሪያ ፈቃድ አልነበረኝም ካንፕ ውስጥ ሆኜ ነበር ይህን ሁሉ እምሰራው። ያን ለመግታት ክስ ተመሰረተ። አንዲት ባተሌ ካንፕ ያለች ሴት ዬአገሯን መንፈስ ስለምን ዕውቅናታሰጣለች ነበር ክሱ። ዬተከበሩ ዶር ጌታሁንም መልሱን ፅፈው ላኩ።
እኔም ራዲዮ መሰናዶዬን ለ ዓመት እጣ ነፍሴን ታግዬ እዚህ ደርሷል። ዬእኛ ገመና ብዙ ነው። ምህረትም ዬራቀን ለዚህ ነው።
ጊዜ ራዲዮሎጂ ነው


ከዚህ ጦማር ታዋቂ ልጥፎች

ዛሬ ያለው ነገር „ፈረቃም፤ ተረኝነትም“ አይደለም።

እህት አጊቱ ጉደታ አገር ነበረች።

የእኔ እማ ልዕልቴ እንዴት ነሽ?