Thank you for your letter dated 30 March 2015 suggesting that love should be an integral part of society in order to contribute to meeting the challenges that are world


Modernisation of Education If: Education policy and programme, Innovation, EIT and MSCA International cooperation in education and youth; Jean Monnet actions
Seble Weldetencay
Winterthur, Switzerland
Re: Your letter to President Juncker
Dear Mr Weldetencay,

Thank you for your letter dated 30 March 2015 suggesting that love should be an integral part of society in order to contribute to meeting the challenges that are world is facing, in particular in families, culture and education.
We of course can only support this notion and do believe that taking care of others can be translated into a number of initiatives. Youth Volonteering for instance is one, important, form of showing care for others and competence-based programmes in schools and universities also help by giving students new skills, ethical skills, working as a group, the respect of socio-cultural diversities and generally the respect of others. Culture is an important vector for passing this message.
May I invite you to see the opportunities that the Erasmus+ programme and the Creative Europe programme offers students and young people and the cultural and audiovisual sector. You will find more information at:
Yours sincerely,
Deputy Head of Unit
ይህ ደግሞ የፍቅር ተፈጥሮ ካሪክለም ተነድፎለት የትምህርት ሳብጀክት፣ ሙያ ይሁን። ዕውቅና ይሰጠው። ሳይንቲስት፣ ፈላስፋ፣ ኤክስፐርት የምርምር ማዕከል፣ ሲምፖዚዬም፣ ቴሌቢዥን፣ መጋዚን፣ ኮሌጅ ዩንቨርስቲ ይኑረው ብዬ ለተመድ እና ለአውሮፓ ህብረት ያመለከትኩበት ነበር። ሁለቱም መልስ ሰጥተውኛል። አንዱን ዛሬ አግኝቸዋለሁኝ ሁለተኛውን ሳገኝ እለጥፍላሁኝ።
ሌላ መረጃ ሳፈላልግ አገኜሁት። ዓለም ታስፈራኛለች። ክፋነትን የሚመክት ጠንካራ ተቋም የላትም።
ፍቅራዊነት የትምህርት ገበታ ላይ ይካተት!

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    Von Solomon A. Getahun, PhD Central


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